Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve Service-Gumi Jeil Church 2012

Because the church was not going to be opened, we actually celebrated our Christmas Eve service on Sunday.

Before going to church to set up and rehearse, we stopped by Big Mama's Dakkalbi to visit some of my favorite people in Korea~~Sangbeom's parents. I always try to stop by their store when I come to visit. I love them SO much and will miss them dearly.
Jenna, 엄마, and me
Jenna and me at church

I love you, Bianca!

Bai Ling ^^

Christmas Eve potluck

gifts for a gift exchange

Delicious food and fellowship

Pastor Jose giving a Christmas message!

Just spent the weekend in Gumi fo the Christmas holiday. It was such a great time spent with friends and celebrating our King!

Saturday was filled with a day of making sugar cookies at Jenna's. JR came in town the night before, and we all had a sleepover at Jenna's. The next day, Jaeho and Sangbeom came over and we had a blast making literally HUNDREDS of sugar cookies! It was really nice too because it was the first time our Korean friends had ever made cookies. Although for us, Christmas is synonymous with making cookies, spending time with family, going to Christmas Eve services, giving gifts, and celebrating Jesus' birth, in Korea, it is more a day for couples, going to church ON Christmas Day (if you are a Christian), and the only cookies you might have will be ones picked up from the local bakery. Needless to say, it was a fantastic experience!

JR and Jenna making the dough--quadruple recipe!

JR & Jaeho in their cute aprons ^.~

using cute cookie cutters

adding frosting

We made literally HUNDREDS of cookies....imagine this amount times about THREE.

Jaeho and Sangbeom with their cute Christmas hair clips! ^.~
Our group in our aprons.

Cute! ^^

~making Christmas cookies with my students~

I thought I would "treat" my students for Christmas and use a day to make yummy Orange Chocolate Balls. They thought it was a break, but they were actually learning about cooking words and also a little bit of American culture! ^^

We wore our aprons together!


David--after rolling the cookies--It's so messy!

Thanksgiving in Korea 2012

I have so many posts ready to be posted, but I just haven't had/taken the time to upload all the photos for them onto here. Being as though we just celebrated Christmas, I thought I'd better get the Thanksgiving post up before posting about cookie making and Christmas celebrations, so here you have it.

As is always the case, it is hard being away from family...especially around the holidays. Thankfully I have a wonderful "family" of friends here as well, and I had a blessed time celebrating with them. Here are some of the highlights.

Will and Maui
I spent Thanksgiving Day in Seoul with my great friends Maui and Will and my homestay roomie, Bryce, who was here from the USA for 6 weeks studying Korean. Thanks Maui for inviting and thinking of me. ^^

Maui and me

After that, I headed to Gumi for the weekend to celebrate with my family there. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard!

It's wonderful to be surrounded by people you love and sharing in beautiful memories. <3

Emma, Jenna, me
Happy Thanksgiving!

cutest little sweetheart!

desserts!~~Pumpkin pie, apple pies, ginger cookies

Sunday, December 23, 2012

at the crossroads

As of now, I am standing at the crossroads of two big choices. 

After months of searching for the perfect job, sending out resumes, NOT getting responses, and anxiously awaiting what God had in store for the next chapter, I've now been offered not ONE but TWO wonderful jobs. ....and now I (within this next week) must make the decision on which road to travel.

In both jobs I would be teaching English AND music (!!!) full-time at an international/bilingual school under an actual contract (no more commuting and private tutoring). At school number 1 (S1), I would be a homeroom teacher for 2nd grade (teaching ALL subjects). At school number 2 (S2), I would be a high school ESL teacher and k-12 music teacher. S1 is a one-year contract (with wanting a verbal agreement of more). S2 is a 10-month contract until the end of November. Both would be an absolute blessing. ...And neither of which do I hold a strong leading to. I would be happy with both, I suppose, but that is not what is most important. The question is~~Where would GOD best use me?

Looking at the "logistics" of the schools, S1 offers free housing, medical, pension, four weeks paid vacation (two in summer, two in winter), and a nice salary to live by with great potential to save. On the other hand, S2 offers no housing (although the recruiter would help in finding a homestay or apt), no medical, lots of paid vacation (!) and a smaller salary. If I were in it for the money and savings, of course, S1 would be the answer, hands down, BUT....that is not why I am doing this.

...And S2 is something I have dreamed about for years. In fact, I have been trying to get a similar job like S2 over this semester, and I was preparing to go for it. ...So what is stopping me now?

With either choice (perhaps S2 more than S1), it would mean another big life change. I would be packing up from my home in Seoul and moving to another city again. Let me tell you, my friends, God is teaching me a lot about change and moving and "readiness." I have never really like moving and the change and stress associated with it, but God has given me the opportunity to practice this (and I am positive I will have MANY more opportunities in the future) over and over while in Korea. Not only that, but taking either job means LOTS of paperwork FAST. It means organizing and packing and saying "see you laters" and waving new "hellos." Additionally, if I take S2, it means a whole new change in culture and lifestyle and community.

In terms of teaching, although I know God can do ALL things and equip us for all things, I cannot hide a little bit of worry for teaching at S1 because I would be teaching as an actual homeroom teacher where I teach ALL subjects and have the students with me ALL day. I do not have an education degree or professional teacher training, and of course, I want to be the best teacher for the students. Although, if I took the job, I KNOW I would work really hard and study all the material and stay late and lesson plan and do a wonderful job with the strength of the Lord, it is still something in my mind. BUT it would also be a beautiful challenge and chance to really rely and rest in God's strength and not my own abilities! 

And yet, in S2, because it would be a complete change in culture and community and language and way of life, it would ALSO mean relying completely on God for provision--not only in those aspects, but also in a COMPLETE change (as we know I love OH so much!). ....And also in such a short time. Both of these schools mean that as soon as I get back to Seoul (I am in Gumi for the holidays), I need to start selling things, packing up things, sending things home I won't need, getting to the Embassies, mailing out documents, securing visas, telling my current students that I am leaving, ending school/classes, and basically starting a new chapter of life.

All in all, though, I trust God will stop me if I am going for the wrong choice. I had tried to apply to many jobs that I thought would  be good. Whether it was teaching college-aged students (which I LOVE) and having longer vacations (to see my family which I also LOVE) OR going to a different country with a program that has interested me, none seemed to go through. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't a little disappointed at first, BUT I KNOW God is in control, and He is answering prayers when I do not get those jobs. He knows the bigger picture, and He knows those places are not where I need to be right now. With this mercy of God, I assumed He would also make it clear as to accepting the job, but it seems I am at this crossroads now. I feel kind of like Paul. God would lead him to where he was supposed to go along his journey, but sometimes God would not speak, and Paul would just have to go, and God would stop them if it was the wrong way. I believe God sometimes leaves room for our desires and choice. He is, after all, the one who PUTS those desires on our hearts. I believe both jobs would be an opportunity to serve Him, to grow in my faith in Him, and to be a light to the students and teachers and community around me.

Perhaps this is my time to just take that step along either road and see the beauty of God's protection and leading and strength.

"Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun" (Psalm 37:3-6).

Sunday, December 16, 2012

the Love of our King spurs us on: God's love and how it relates to our choices in dating relationships

Let me tell you now...this topic has nothing to do with Korea, with travel, with anything I've every really talked about on here, but it is something that seems to keep popping up, and I thought I would try to sort my thoughts out and get your all's feedback on things.

Lately, I've had a lot of people asking me about what I look for in a guy. If you are in Korea, you know the first three questions that will be asked of you are as follows:

1.) How old are you?
2.) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?/Are you married?
3.) (If the answer is NO, the response will ALWAYS BE:) Why not?!

And so here I am in Korea (and not just with Koreans but with others I've met as well), and my answer is always the same. It's like, in Korea (and around the world, too), people look at singleness as a "curse" or that "my life will begin after I have a boyfriend/girlfriend" or "after I get married." This is such a skewed believe and honestly a great LIE from Satan. He would want nothing more than you to be down on yourself because you are not in a relationship. Satan WOULDN'T want you to grab hold of the INCREDIBLE opportunity you have to SERVE GOD WHOLE-HEARTEDLY. 

"I would like you to be free from concern. AN UNMARRIED MAN IS CONCERNED ABOUT THE LORD'S AFFAIRS--how he can please the Lord...I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way IN UNDIVIDED DEVOTION TO THE LORD" (1 Corin. 7:32,35).

I could go on and on about this, but I digress. I didn't set out to write about the beauty of singleness (although that IS what it is), and I am in no way downplaying the remarkable communion of marriage (because it IS a beautiful symbolism of God's love for us)....but what I am wanting to highlight is--as a Christian woman--what I look for in a man.

...And what is funny is that I don't have a long list of things. I could try....of course there are some things I would love to have, but ultimately it comes down to the man exhibiting biblical marks of manhood. ....and even before that, I fully rely and put my trust in God to guide me and speak to me. I believe dating is not about doing something casually. As grand as it may seem to some people in this day and age, I believe that dating is not about recreation but to find a spouse. Even if a man outwardly shows many marks of biblical manhood, sometimes his heart is not pure after the Lord. In fact, there are many men, even in the church, who call themselves Christians and serve in many ways but whose hearts just aren't in the right place. With that being said, it ultimately comes down to God.

But....if I am to compile a short list here, I think these would be on it:

1. one who possesses the qualities of biblical manhood
2. one who will take the initiative and risk to ask me out and pursue me (Be a leader from the beginning!)
3. one who is growing in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
4. one who is committed to sacrificing himself for my spiritual good (Ephesians 5:25-27)
5. one who grows in qualities of biblical leadership (1 Timothy 3:2-7)
6. one who desires me, delights in me, and cherishes me as a precious jewel (Song of Solomon; Prov. 31:10)
7. one who has a heart for the nations and traveling the world (Acts 1:8-9)
8. one who is wiser than me and will guide me not only spiritually, but in life as well (Proverbs)

Ladies--my dear, Beloved sisters--these are the untouchables. Although there would be many qualities I also desire, these are the bottom of it. I think it's a lot like how we view Christianity and the bible and all things tied up in religion. So often we get caught up in little tiny details and points of view and denominational differences that we forget what the bottom of it really is and chose to believe contrary to what Jesus Himself preached.  

It's not about religion or doctrine or baptism or going to church or communion or drinking or drugs or sex or view on abortion or sexual orientation or denomination or the way we worship or missions or service or anything else in all creation. It is about Jesus Christ crucified, and whoever believes in Him WILL have eternal life! (Can I get an AMEN!)

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39).

(**Now before you get all huff and puff at me--because I KNOW what I just said upsets some people--think about it. WHERE in the bible does it say, "You cannot go to heaven if you have premarital sex or don't worship with your hands raised and dancing or date someone of the same sex or don't do missions or drink alcohol or smoke or do drugs or don't get baptized or.. or...or..." PLEASE tell me--because I am ALL about learning and getting to know God, but I bet you cannot find those sentences there. Granted, by following Christ in obedience, we WANT to do what He loves and delight in what He loves and are spurred on in such a way, but doing these listed things DO NOT AND WILL NOT SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF CHRIST. I may not find those "You cannot go to heaven if...." ideas listed above, but what I DO FIND is Christ's blood as an atoning sacrifice. We are holy and considered righteous and spotless and blameless under the blood of Christ, and NOTHING in all creation can separate us from that.)
"For my Father's will is that EVERYONE WHO LOOKS TO THE SON AND BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, and I will raise them up at the last day" (John 6:40).

"BELIEVE in the LORD JESUS, AND YOU WILL BE SAVED--you and your household" (Acts 6:31).

"That IF YOU CONFESS with your mouth, 'JESUS IS LORD,' AND BELIEVE in your heart that God raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED"  (Romans 10:9).

We get so caught up in our Disney Princess and Romance-movie fantasies of love that we set up unrealistic expectations. Much like God's love (and I am NOT saying I come even CLOSE (or ever will) to fully understanding it), we get caught up in all of the little things we want or think are important, and we lose sight of what is most important. 

To all my single sisters---Be looking for the marks of biblical manhood in him, and have faith in the spiritual leader he will continue to grow to be. Look at your pastors or male leaders in the church. Talk to their wives. These men didn't just "have it." I can bet that these men have grown so much from the time they first pursued their wives. ^.~ Talk to them about it. Know what the marks of biblical manhood are and be looking for those and encouraging those in others....and above ALL else, be pursuing God! Singleness is a blessing and a time to be full-out for God. It's not going to get any easier once we are married, and we have the joy of practicing biblical womanhood during this time!

***Let us be strong, confident, courageous, and prized daughters of our King!***

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

From the recent snowfall to a myriad of Christmas lights, Christmas in Seoul is much different from that in Gumi. I hear Christmas music everywhere I go, and Christmas lights and displays are all around.

About a week ago, I went over to City Hall to go to an art exhibit with Tatiana and Alex. Although the museum was a little bit of a let down (they were in the process of setting up the new, main exhibitions, so most of the museum was closed), the lights at City Hall, Myeongdong, and along the Cheonggyecheon definitely made up for it.

Tati on the awesome gold sofas at the Art Museum

City Hall

Christmas tree at City Hall

Salvation Army is in Korea too! Here's Tati posing for the camera.

Coin toss~~if you get it in the lights, your wish comes true!

Tatiana, Alex, and me

Lights in Myeongdong

** Wow! So beautiful! **

Alex and me
