Friday, June 24, 2011
just booked my flight
Hey, ya'll! Just wanted to send you an update that I just booked by flight to KOREA!! Last day of work was yesterday (as it is now 2am Friday morning), flight is booked, and I'm having a garage sale Saturday morning. It's all starting to happen, but it still hasn't really sunk in that I'm moving out of the country to start a new life in a mere 2 just doesn't seem real. But that is all for now...I will post more tomorrow (errr, well later today) about my TERRIFIC Thursday, with pictures included. Hasta manana!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
delight yourself in the Lord
Hey, guys. Sorry for the long rant yesterday. I feel much much better today. I AM excited to go to Gyeongbuk and can't wait!! Did you know...this province has the most World Heritage Sites in all of Korea? It was also where the capital was during the Silla dynasty (57BC-935AD) and marked itself as an integral hub for politics and trade. Korea's birthplace of Buddhism also lies here in Gyeongju, and the whole city itself is something of an "open-air museum." In fact, some of Korea's oldest buildings and temples are situated here. I am going to get the chance to experience some real culture and history here, guys! Thank you, God, for speaking to me during my prayers over this. I need to be here more than I need to be in another city, it is clear. I wish I could say more on this blog to not leave you wondering, but I will leave it at that. I am so excited! Only 14 days left!!!!
And within those 14 days, I am waiting to get my visa back and booking my flight (I know, it is late, but I have been waiting for weeks for my Korean Air card so I can earn all the extra miles). I got the paperwork today, so hopefully the card is for tomorrow's mail. Lots of preparations still too and hanging out with people as much as I can, making the most of my time left. I have a garage sale this Saturday with my roommate to try and sell some more stuff. Then, my mom comes next week to spend time together before I leave and to help me with getting all the last minute details together. It has been really a test and learning experience getting everything ready for EPIK and getting my TEFL certification. So much paperwork and organizing and NO room for ANY form of procrastination. I am more of a free spirit and spontaneous, go with the flow kind of person, so it will be nice to have my mom here to help me really organize all my thoughts and help me getting all the last minute details together. Thanks, mom!
After that, I help at camp for a couple days (can't stay the whole week) and then hop a flight to Korea!
OOOOH, and how could I forget---it's my last day of work tomorrow!!! AND IT'S THURSDAY!! BEST NIGHT OF THE WEEK!!! I will be sure to update you all on my Thursday night, for sure...and really, all my dinner nights this week. It's been great! What a blessing!
And within those 14 days, I am waiting to get my visa back and booking my flight (I know, it is late, but I have been waiting for weeks for my Korean Air card so I can earn all the extra miles). I got the paperwork today, so hopefully the card is for tomorrow's mail. Lots of preparations still too and hanging out with people as much as I can, making the most of my time left. I have a garage sale this Saturday with my roommate to try and sell some more stuff. Then, my mom comes next week to spend time together before I leave and to help me with getting all the last minute details together. It has been really a test and learning experience getting everything ready for EPIK and getting my TEFL certification. So much paperwork and organizing and NO room for ANY form of procrastination. I am more of a free spirit and spontaneous, go with the flow kind of person, so it will be nice to have my mom here to help me really organize all my thoughts and help me getting all the last minute details together. Thanks, mom!
After that, I help at camp for a couple days (can't stay the whole week) and then hop a flight to Korea!
OOOOH, and how could I forget---it's my last day of work tomorrow!!! AND IT'S THURSDAY!! BEST NIGHT OF THE WEEK!!! I will be sure to update you all on my Thursday night, for sure...and really, all my dinner nights this week. It's been great! What a blessing!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
WOw. So much has gone on in the last few days. I must say, Friday was one of the most stressful days I have had in a long time. First thing in the morning, I got an email about check-in/check-out times for my dorm at Sogang Univ., and I was told that I had to check in July 8th or July 9th from 9-5pm (although they would stay open til 11pm if I absolutely couldn't get in during those times), and if I absolutely could NOT come during those times, I could check in Sunday after 6pm. I had planned to help at rEVOLution camp the Tuesday (5th)-Thursday (7th) (the camp goes from July 5-8), drive to St. Louis Thursday night, and fly out to Korea Friday afternoon, arriving at Incheon Int'l Airport Sunday around 4am. Ok, so THAT was not going to work. ..So then I was stressing about what flight to take now (thankfully, I had not booked it yet), and whether I could go to camp, etc. On top of that, it was a big, busy day working at the Courthouse. Two things not going for me...THEN....I get an email from my Korean contact for my recruiters which was VERY confusing and vague that I just wasn't understanding. The gist of it was that all the positions were filled for Incheon (the city I was confirmed not once, but TWICE, that I would be teaching in), and if I still wanted to teach in a Metropolitan city, I needed to apply to SMOE (for Seoul) ASAP, OR I could change my application to reflect one of the other provinces (the three left) as my first choices instead. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!! It was re-iterated, again, that EPIK works on a first-come, first-serve basis, and if I don't get any of these, hopefully they will try to place me somewhere else in Korea. Ok, so now ALL this changing? You mean to say that now it's not even definite that I have a TEACHING JOB??? I am about to hop on a plane in TWO weeks to fly half-way across the world, and you're telling me I might not have a teaching position when I get out of language school??? Needless to say, I was a bit STRESSSSSED OUT!
So, of course, I race home after work to fill out the other forms for SMOE and send those, at the same time, frantically emailing my TESLK TR and responding back to that email I received. It didn't even tell me whether IIIII was one of the people that didn't get placed into Incheon or ANYTHING. I forwarded on the documents for SMOE JUST IN CASE I was one who hadn't got the position in Incheon. My contact said that she wasn't sure still whether I was in Incheon but that she would let me know when it was confirmed. Well, first of all, I don't want to wait to apply to SMOE now and it be too late by the time we find out about Incheon, and secondly, didn't you already confirm TWICE that I WAS in Incheon? She suggested, yes, I should go ahead and fill it out for SMOE. Ok, done. But, as I talked with a friend about Incheon, I was reminded of the form I signed allowing for money to be taken from my first few paychecks to pay for the housing deposit in Incheon. Doesn't that mean anything? Also, my friend said it was strange that I didn't know for sure still. Ok, after all this happening, I decided to take things into my own hands because it didn't look like I was getting the answers I should be. ...I decided to email EPIK directly (last night) about my position. Needless to say, when I woke up this morning, I got an email from my contact telling me not to email EPIK (I guess they told her I had emailed them) because they like to just work with the recruiting agencies since there are so many teachers. Ok, that makes sense, buuuuut at least I finally got an answer. In that same email she said, she told me that I was placed in Gyeongbuk, my third choice after Incheon and Busan. She also said that it would be hard to change to Seoul at this point. OK--SO why would you have me spend all that time rushing paperwork together when I didn't have a chance with SMOE anyways???
OH AND THE KICKER::::::::: Next sentence in the email reads: "They confirm the area at the point from when they get the docs."
SERIOUSLY????? I have had every single one of my documents since MARCH, including the FBI background check!!! I even ASKED multiple times if I should just go ahead and send the documents before my interview (late May) so they would be there as soon as I got the OK, or if I should wait. Oh, no, no, it will be FINE to wait, they say. AHHHHHH!!!! I just want to scream!
OK, even with all this going on and a real irritation currently with my recruiters and how they have handled all this, I have to remember that GOD is the one in control. GOD is. I AM WHO I AM. He is the one who created the universe and the stars and delicately places every petal on the beautiful then, why would He NOT take even more care in me? He has known the plans for my life even before I was in the womb, and He CARES for me and for those plans to reach fruition. I may not know why God works the way He works, but what I do know is that He works. I had had everything sort of planned out for teaching and living in Korea, in Incheon...getting all excited at the plans, and so it would be a lie to say I am not disappointed that I did not get into Incheon. I feel like the psalmist as I write this post, lol. I am not going to hide my emotions or thoughts on what is going on--this is real, and for those people reading this, looking into teaching, know that problems CAN happen, but it is so true, the saying:::::
"The greater part of our happiness depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances."~~Martha Washington
And as the great Ella Fitzgerald says it, "Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
Thanks, Ella. I really needed that reminder...I really needed that today.
The truth is, I am coming here for the KIDS--NOT for myself. Sure, yes, this will be an adventure, but I mean, really? I'm flying half-way across the world to live and teach--how could it NOT be an adventure?....but really, I want to be here for the kids. As I wrote in part of my essay for EPIK,
"Ultimately, I await the chance to encourage and foster a love and passion for learning in my Korean students. When it comes down to it, I want to teach for the benefit of others. My greatest love is in serving other people. Whether it be cooking a warm meal or extending a favor or teaching others or sharing a passion, my goal is putting others first, serving them, and meeting their needs in all ways. Like the plum blossom sprouting up the first buds of the year, I hope my service and teaching enables these students to have the determination and courage to come to flower above all others. "
I DO have so much to be thankful for, so do not be fooled by my little rant at the beginning of this post. I am SO thankful that I at least KNOW for sure I have been placed and have a teaching position. I am thankful for the opportunity to teach halfway across the world--that Korea is willing to allow foreigners to come in and teach their youth. I am thankful for EPIK for putting all this together and working so hard to place teachers all over South Korea.
And even though all those roadblocks and momentary irritations occurred, I am thankful that first and foremost, I have a God who cares about me. I am not in control of this; my trust does not lie in TESLK or EPIK--it lies ultimately with God. Thanks God for the not-so-subtle reminder. ;) I needed that. I KNOW (even though at this moment, I may not feel the same joy over it), that God has a plan for me in Gyeongbuk and has already chosen some kids there for me to meet and influence and to touch their lives. Thank you, God, that you are in control. If it was me in control, I would be in Incheon, a place where you have not been preparing the crops, and I would not have as great an impact to which your perfect will looks forward. Thank you, God. Even through writing this blog, my heart and feelings are being softened to this new land. I may not know anything about the area, but I know that God knows and cares about the deepest desires of my heart. <3 <3 <3
----->>>>Check out the links below for some information on Gyeongsangbuk (shortened to Gyeongbuk)------->>>>
:::Lonely Planet's Intro to Gyeongsangbuk:::
View Larger Map
:::Gyeongbuk's Official Website
~~~Pictures to come~~~
WOw. So much has gone on in the last few days. I must say, Friday was one of the most stressful days I have had in a long time. First thing in the morning, I got an email about check-in/check-out times for my dorm at Sogang Univ., and I was told that I had to check in July 8th or July 9th from 9-5pm (although they would stay open til 11pm if I absolutely couldn't get in during those times), and if I absolutely could NOT come during those times, I could check in Sunday after 6pm. I had planned to help at rEVOLution camp the Tuesday (5th)-Thursday (7th) (the camp goes from July 5-8), drive to St. Louis Thursday night, and fly out to Korea Friday afternoon, arriving at Incheon Int'l Airport Sunday around 4am. Ok, so THAT was not going to work. ..So then I was stressing about what flight to take now (thankfully, I had not booked it yet), and whether I could go to camp, etc. On top of that, it was a big, busy day working at the Courthouse. Two things not going for me...THEN....I get an email from my Korean contact for my recruiters which was VERY confusing and vague that I just wasn't understanding. The gist of it was that all the positions were filled for Incheon (the city I was confirmed not once, but TWICE, that I would be teaching in), and if I still wanted to teach in a Metropolitan city, I needed to apply to SMOE (for Seoul) ASAP, OR I could change my application to reflect one of the other provinces (the three left) as my first choices instead. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!! It was re-iterated, again, that EPIK works on a first-come, first-serve basis, and if I don't get any of these, hopefully they will try to place me somewhere else in Korea. Ok, so now ALL this changing? You mean to say that now it's not even definite that I have a TEACHING JOB??? I am about to hop on a plane in TWO weeks to fly half-way across the world, and you're telling me I might not have a teaching position when I get out of language school??? Needless to say, I was a bit STRESSSSSED OUT!
So, of course, I race home after work to fill out the other forms for SMOE and send those, at the same time, frantically emailing my TESLK TR and responding back to that email I received. It didn't even tell me whether IIIII was one of the people that didn't get placed into Incheon or ANYTHING. I forwarded on the documents for SMOE JUST IN CASE I was one who hadn't got the position in Incheon. My contact said that she wasn't sure still whether I was in Incheon but that she would let me know when it was confirmed. Well, first of all, I don't want to wait to apply to SMOE now and it be too late by the time we find out about Incheon, and secondly, didn't you already confirm TWICE that I WAS in Incheon? She suggested, yes, I should go ahead and fill it out for SMOE. Ok, done. But, as I talked with a friend about Incheon, I was reminded of the form I signed allowing for money to be taken from my first few paychecks to pay for the housing deposit in Incheon. Doesn't that mean anything? Also, my friend said it was strange that I didn't know for sure still. Ok, after all this happening, I decided to take things into my own hands because it didn't look like I was getting the answers I should be. ...I decided to email EPIK directly (last night) about my position. Needless to say, when I woke up this morning, I got an email from my contact telling me not to email EPIK (I guess they told her I had emailed them) because they like to just work with the recruiting agencies since there are so many teachers. Ok, that makes sense, buuuuut at least I finally got an answer. In that same email she said, she told me that I was placed in Gyeongbuk, my third choice after Incheon and Busan. She also said that it would be hard to change to Seoul at this point. OK--SO why would you have me spend all that time rushing paperwork together when I didn't have a chance with SMOE anyways???
OH AND THE KICKER::::::::: Next sentence in the email reads: "They confirm the area at the point from when they get the docs."
SERIOUSLY????? I have had every single one of my documents since MARCH, including the FBI background check!!! I even ASKED multiple times if I should just go ahead and send the documents before my interview (late May) so they would be there as soon as I got the OK, or if I should wait. Oh, no, no, it will be FINE to wait, they say. AHHHHHH!!!! I just want to scream!
OK, even with all this going on and a real irritation currently with my recruiters and how they have handled all this, I have to remember that GOD is the one in control. GOD is. I AM WHO I AM. He is the one who created the universe and the stars and delicately places every petal on the beautiful then, why would He NOT take even more care in me? He has known the plans for my life even before I was in the womb, and He CARES for me and for those plans to reach fruition. I may not know why God works the way He works, but what I do know is that He works. I had had everything sort of planned out for teaching and living in Korea, in Incheon...getting all excited at the plans, and so it would be a lie to say I am not disappointed that I did not get into Incheon. I feel like the psalmist as I write this post, lol. I am not going to hide my emotions or thoughts on what is going on--this is real, and for those people reading this, looking into teaching, know that problems CAN happen, but it is so true, the saying:::::
"The greater part of our happiness depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances."~~Martha Washington
And as the great Ella Fitzgerald says it, "Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
Thanks, Ella. I really needed that reminder...I really needed that today.
The truth is, I am coming here for the KIDS--NOT for myself. Sure, yes, this will be an adventure, but I mean, really? I'm flying half-way across the world to live and teach--how could it NOT be an adventure?....but really, I want to be here for the kids. As I wrote in part of my essay for EPIK,
"Ultimately, I await the chance to encourage and foster a love and passion for learning in my Korean students. When it comes down to it, I want to teach for the benefit of others. My greatest love is in serving other people. Whether it be cooking a warm meal or extending a favor or teaching others or sharing a passion, my goal is putting others first, serving them, and meeting their needs in all ways. Like the plum blossom sprouting up the first buds of the year, I hope my service and teaching enables these students to have the determination and courage to come to flower above all others. "
I DO have so much to be thankful for, so do not be fooled by my little rant at the beginning of this post. I am SO thankful that I at least KNOW for sure I have been placed and have a teaching position. I am thankful for the opportunity to teach halfway across the world--that Korea is willing to allow foreigners to come in and teach their youth. I am thankful for EPIK for putting all this together and working so hard to place teachers all over South Korea.
And even though all those roadblocks and momentary irritations occurred, I am thankful that first and foremost, I have a God who cares about me. I am not in control of this; my trust does not lie in TESLK or EPIK--it lies ultimately with God. Thanks God for the not-so-subtle reminder. ;) I needed that. I KNOW (even though at this moment, I may not feel the same joy over it), that God has a plan for me in Gyeongbuk and has already chosen some kids there for me to meet and influence and to touch their lives. Thank you, God, that you are in control. If it was me in control, I would be in Incheon, a place where you have not been preparing the crops, and I would not have as great an impact to which your perfect will looks forward. Thank you, God. Even through writing this blog, my heart and feelings are being softened to this new land. I may not know anything about the area, but I know that God knows and cares about the deepest desires of my heart. <3 <3 <3
----->>>>Check out the links below for some information on Gyeongsangbuk (shortened to Gyeongbuk)------->>>>
:::Lonely Planet's Intro to Gyeongsangbuk:::
View Larger Map
:::Gyeongbuk's Official Website
~~~Pictures to come~~~
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Sogang University, here I come!
Ok, so many things have happened since my last post! You will see why I have been so busy the last week and a half when you hear the news! I wanted to keep it a *hush hush* until I found out whether I was accepted or not, but I got accepted to Sogang University's Korean Immersion Program!!! TRANSLATION: This means I will have the incredible opportunity to take a 5 week intensive Korean language program! The plan is that I will leave St. Louis Airport the evening of July 8th and arrive at Incheon Int'l Airport Sunday morning around 5am KR time to head over to Seoul. This will give me a day to get settled into my dorm and get around and be ready to start classes on Monday, July 11th--aka my BIRTHDAY!! What an amazing birthday present this will be! ^_^
Here is a copy of the typical weekly class schedule. I am sooooo excited! Four hours of language study in the morning, lunch break, then two hours of cultural classes. What a blessing KIP will be to my stay in Korea! I will feel so much more confident in getting around and interacting within the culture knowing that I will have a better understanding of the language. Plus, this will be a humbling experience and help to remind me what it is like in the "learner's shoes," so-to-speak. I will be able to completely sympathize with what my students are going through now!
More updates and info on Sogang Univ. to come! Now I am printing off my visa application, copy of the info page to my passport, and my acceptance letter, of which all I need to send along tomorrow with my passport, $45 money order, passport-sized photo, and self-addressed, pre-paid envelope to Chicago to get my C-3 visa. And by the way it's looking, I don't think I will get my EPIK contract before I leave, so I will have to hop over to the Korean Embassy in Japan to get my E-2 visa for teaching later on during my time at KIP. Haha, "hop over," as if it's no big deal??? I mean, it's JAPAN, for goodness sakes!!! Boy oh boy, let the adventures begin!
Here is a copy of the typical weekly class schedule. I am sooooo excited! Four hours of language study in the morning, lunch break, then two hours of cultural classes. What a blessing KIP will be to my stay in Korea! I will feel so much more confident in getting around and interacting within the culture knowing that I will have a better understanding of the language. Plus, this will be a humbling experience and help to remind me what it is like in the "learner's shoes," so-to-speak. I will be able to completely sympathize with what my students are going through now!
More updates and info on Sogang Univ. to come! Now I am printing off my visa application, copy of the info page to my passport, and my acceptance letter, of which all I need to send along tomorrow with my passport, $45 money order, passport-sized photo, and self-addressed, pre-paid envelope to Chicago to get my C-3 visa. And by the way it's looking, I don't think I will get my EPIK contract before I leave, so I will have to hop over to the Korean Embassy in Japan to get my E-2 visa for teaching later on during my time at KIP. Haha, "hop over," as if it's no big deal??? I mean, it's JAPAN, for goodness sakes!!! Boy oh boy, let the adventures begin!
Monday, June 6, 2011
thursday must be the best night of the week.
I always look forward to Thursdays, and this past week was nothing different. ^^ I got to walk around outside enjoying one of the first weeks of warm sunny weather we have had in awhile with my conversation partner and friend, Li Xin. Then, on the way home, God really just pulled at my heart to go ask this lady walking along a busy expressway if I could give her a ride home (despite some of the excuses Satan was putting into my head to try and stop me...and they were there), and I wound up making a new friend from Saudi Arabia. Then, I got to enjoy a delicious dinner and relaxing and peaceful evening of gimbap with Destiny and Jenn, followed by a Spirit-filled night at prayer meeting. Even though it is kind of late for me, as my body is used to being in bed or at least winding down for bed by around 10 or 1030, it has been such a joy and true blessing each time I have gone. Honestly--and what I must tell myself,--I will have plenty of time to sleep when I die. I should be making the most of every moment, even when it means being a little "uncomfortable" for a small amount of time. Is a little loss of sleep really any sacrifice when compared to the persecution so many other Christians are experiencing all over the world? I am ashamed of my sin in not going faithfully and not taking to heart this realization sooner. Now, with only a couple months left here, I want to make the most of it...But shouldn't we be living this way no matter what? Isn't our overall time "here" (on earth) so limited? I had been worried about how I would function at work because of a lack of sleep, when, shouldn't I be praying more for the persecuted??? I am worried about my sleep and people are out there risking their lives for the sake of the Gospel and do not even think twice about it. If only I were as fervent in my prayers as they are for risking their lives for the Gospel. Lord, thank you for revealing this sin in me, and I pray that by sharing it here, I may keep myself accountable. Hold me accountable, Lord.
“The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."~~Luke 12:47-48
“The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."~~Luke 12:47-48
church life.
Hey, all. Been awhile since my last much going on lately! I am so blessed with a wonderful church family and friends with such kindred spirits. <3
Over Memorial Day weekend, our church had a retreat down in Branson. It was such a God time. It is so amazing how God works in each of our hearts through this in so many different ways. For me, I really remembered on what it means to have Sabbath. From what I have researched, in the original Hebrew, Sabbath, or
(sorry, could not make it smaller), literally means "rest" or "cessation." But it means far more than simply "rest" from work; it points us to the rest spoken of in the Covenant Law. "The word Rest is used over and over again to mean the enemy has stopped prevailing, that righteousness has reign...The Sabbath is a promise; a promise of victory for the people of God, victory for righteousness, and most importantly that Christ’s work would triumph in the earth and overcome evil, bringing the Rest to the world" (from:
Thank you Lord, for this Sabbath...for this time to enjoy one another and You...for this time to grow together as a Church, as Your body. We are a body made up of many parts, and each one of us has a vital role to play. Help to reveal to each of us our specific purpose in this body. I am so grateful for this opportunity and role...for this amazing, loving family. I have never known something like this, and I pray each day for these kids and these parents. What love.
"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." ~Ephesians 3:14-21

Over Memorial Day weekend, our church had a retreat down in Branson. It was such a God time. It is so amazing how God works in each of our hearts through this in so many different ways. For me, I really remembered on what it means to have Sabbath. From what I have researched, in the original Hebrew, Sabbath, or

Thank you Lord, for this Sabbath...for this time to enjoy one another and You...for this time to grow together as a Church, as Your body. We are a body made up of many parts, and each one of us has a vital role to play. Help to reveal to each of us our specific purpose in this body. I am so grateful for this opportunity and role...for this amazing, loving family. I have never known something like this, and I pray each day for these kids and these parents. What love.
"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." ~Ephesians 3:14-21
~group shot~

~now that's more like us!~
~Destiny and me~
~the walk back from the waterfall~
~Las tres amigas!~
~what us punk leaders do after the retreat lol~
And here is a video slideshow of the retreat, compliments of Destiny. Enjoy!~~
Fellowship Branson Retreat~~
(((((OHHH!!!! And who could not forget playing CATCH PHRASE until 230 in the morning?!! Best night....only one word can describe it~~CLINT> 'nuff said ;] Man, I really wish I could get one of those videos onto here, but I'm not sure how to make it show if I'm taking it from facebook. I'll try, but if not, maybe Des can get me them??? ^^)))))))
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